As anyone can see, Salutor has languished in my long absence. Odd as it is to to pop up suddenly with a real-time update on a personal matter, that's exactly what I'm doing. It's the Sunday evening following Thanksgiving and we remain on the precipice of a third daughter. The only certainty is that she will be here soon. Her "due date" is Tuesday.
My post here is prompted by the fact that some faithful friends may in fact be checking up on me via the Internet rather than calling, concerned that we might be semi-conscious, mid-post-birth stumbling about the house, a state in which unexpected phone calls can be the difference between a manageable state of wonder and utter, bewildered chaos. So, at least as of Sunday, please feel free to call. Anyone in the know, of course, remains glued to my wife's blog.
While I'm on the topic of the new baby, the name we've chosen this time originates in Greek mythology, but appears in the Paul's epistle to the Romans as well as Shakespeare. It also features prominently in a counter-cultural, American novel first published in 1951. Anyone...? Her middle name will be Alice after my father's mother: Alice Cran Fraser.
The other girls continue to do well. My youngest gets wilder by the day. Like all children she enjoys being buried alive.
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